Google can now predict your future. Or, at least, Beta Google can. A new organization claiming to be Google has been popping up on people’s browsers lately, with the added perk of telling the fortune of anyone who visits their site. Many people were fooled at first, using the lookalike site until every question they entered about their future morphed into the question “Where can I find a safe place?”
After a series of similar questions about security, warfare and family, the user would see an exclamation that reads: “Of course we can’t predict your future!
But 60 million refugees ask themselves every day if they have a future at all. So we used a fake Google-site to get your attention because apparently you were interested in your own future. Please take a moment to think of their future.”
This ploy to shame internet browsers into converting their self interest into altruism is risky, yet brilliant. Anyone with time for a psychic website that they found on the way to YouTube most likely has a fairly secure future, at least compared to a refugee. This website has the potential to stop procrastinating online shoppers from taking their next meal and safe home for granted. is seeing some success with raising awareness, too. Jort Boot, owner of BrainMedia, the company behind this social awareness movement, says that people are sharing betagoogle on social media from countries all around the world.
There are more than 60 million refugees who are being turned down by nations who are reasonably concerned about the threat of terrorism that was seen in Paris just a few weeks ago. This fear of terrorism is causing a general trend of racial profiling, not unlike the trend that threatened American born Muslims after 9/11. Terrorism, however, is much more of an immediate reality for the Syrians who have been forced to flee their homes. This campaign to raise awareness and empathy is important for the sake of combating ISIS and any terrorist organization for that matter.
Ruby Samuels
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